Thursday, January 16, 2014

This is what happens when you ask British people to label a map of the United States.

Bonus points for:
-"Sarah Palin land"
-"empty void"
-"digital conferences/guns"
-"New York is one of these 10 states"
-"nobody lives here"
-"north-south utah"
-"I'm so sorry."---Spoken like a true Brit. 

Bonus points for:
-"Not a clue"---you have to admire their honesty

Bonus points for:
-"Big Scotland w/polar bears"
-"Further South Dakota"

Bonus points for:
-"Will Smith"
-"Jesse Pinkman"
-"Celine Dion, Nickelback

Bonus points for:
-"this is too square"
-"pretty sure New York is around here somewhere"

Bonus points for:
-"Walter White somewhere round here"
-"Stephen King Country"
-"God knows."
-the moose, crocodile and surfing cartoons

General consensus: everyone seems to know Texas, Florida, California and New York. The Midwest 

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